Smt Kamala Venkataraman was born on 31.05.1939 at Nallamangudi. She was the daughter of Sri.J.Vaidyanathan and Smt.V.Jayalakshmi. She was born in a family of five brothers and a sister.
(Sri.J.Vaidyanathan was a qualified professional in “Agricultural Sciences” and retired as”Sugarcane Agronomist” from Agriculture Department, Govt. of Tamilnadu. Smt.V.Jayalakshmi was a devout housewife).
An illustrious teacher with uncompromising principles. She had the tenacity to succeed in life inspite of adverse situations. NOT ONLY SHE EXCELLED IN EDUCATION, SHE EXCELLED IN EVERYTHING SHE DID!. Above all, she was an epitome of love. As a visionary during her lifetime,she founded this trust for upliftment of the downtrodden. She passed away on 16.11.2011.
She married Sri.T.S.Venkataraman – a highly qualified professional in “Actuarial Sciences” and a Freelance Journalist.
To empower underprivileged persons through Education, Healthcare and Social Upliftment programmes irrespective of caste, creed, religion or gender.
To work towards environmental conservation and sustainable development.
To sensitize issues relating to environment through community interactions.